Unwavering Aspiration
Babcock Gallery
Sweet Briar College,
Sweet Briar, VA
Please click on thumbnail for complete information.
“Unwavering Aspiration” is a site-specific installation based on topographical charts of the Sweet Briar campus I gratefully received from Steve Bailey, Director of the Physical Plant Department.
I invite all who experience my exhibition to also consider experiencing Sweet Briar’s campus in this way: as if walking within a topographical map. The contour lines widen and narrow, across the valleys and hills of the rolling campus. The bamboo grove is annotated by staccato lines and the sharp turns it takes along the campus drive. Follow the lines in order to see the outdoors in a different way.
The title is specifically for Sweet Briar as well, particularly for its students. My aim in the installation is what I wish for the student body: to be engaged participants, and not merely observers in their lives.
Barbara Bernstein April, 2010